bard of the streets

beach fantasy(poem)

mucky duck "97
corpus christi
reasons i love san antonio
mustang island
On being "down & out" in America
speaking to youth mission groups
awesome illusion???
"pictures at my exhibition"
r u tired of graphics yet?
graphics again
sick Christmas graphics
some of my favorite graphics
some favorite graphics
my photos and graphics
The Secret Life Of Garbage(poem)
The Bridge(poem)
Tom Joad-Re-visited(poem)
The road(poem)
Continuous Moment Of Clarity(poem)
"Paid To Care"(poem)
for ntombi(poem)
for my fantasy woman(within my dreams)(poem)
morganna of the dream(poem)
the bother(poem)
sirens' call(poem)
beach fantasy(poem)
will i be mist?(poem)
whisper assassination blues(poem)
early morning/san francisco(poem)
middle age angst(poem)
bad dog!(poem)

i'd like to take your hand in mine
and stroll along the shore
just you,and i,the world shut out
all static we ignore.

as the sun sinks low,we'll find a spot
perhaps,upon a dune
and gaze in to,each others' eyes
as we wait the rising moon.

with blanket spread,we share,ourselves
as the sea-breeze does enhance
with touch and taste,we do explore
as we give in,to,romance.

as stars explode!! behind our eyes
we share a secret grin
for we know that we've discovered
our passions,deep,within

Copyright ©1997 Andrew R. Thornton