i've been privileged,for the third year,to be invited to speak to several youthgroups from various
churches around the state,who come to our church in san antonio because of a program our youth minister startedin our church.
each group that comes here,for a small price....receives a complete week to volunteer their services
with various non-profits,and city services..and learn!...about the differences between people....the sameness that people
share......how they can return to their own communities and put what they learn, to work.
i get to read my poetry,and tell of my experiences on the nations' streets.....to help them put
a face to "homelessness",and to show them that each "street,or homeless" person,has their own unique tale to tell. no one
starts out in life saying they want to be HOMELESS when they grow up!
i do not profess to "speak" for all street,and homeless folk...only for myself.
i've found that being received,and understood by teenagers,takes a lot of work,on my part...keeping
their attention is my goal......then, the rest seems to fall into place....always by the Grace of God!