there are those who will resent you
for being on the inside track
they will smile and say "God bless you!"
as the knife slides in your back
and with tacit understanding
they will work to take you down
if they'd only mind their business
they'd be smile instead of frown
and the joys of being earnest
are the joys of being real
folk living in such misery
if you let them, joy they'll steal
and i guess they don't have cable
or, their remote control is broken
so they waste their lives and time
with assassination spoken
you'd better wear a rear-view mirror
you can put upon your head
'cause after they've glad handed you
by their whispers you'll be dead
and if you turn your back to them
do not dare you, be surprised
when you turn back 'round,naive...a lamb
to see, it's you, they have despised!
Copyright ©2002Andrew R. Thornton