bard of the streets

On being "down & out" in America
mucky duck "97
corpus christi
reasons i love san antonio
mustang island
On being "down & out" in America
speaking to youth mission groups
awesome illusion???
"pictures at my exhibition"
r u tired of graphics yet?
graphics again
sick Christmas graphics
some of my favorite graphics
some favorite graphics
my photos and graphics
The Secret Life Of Garbage(poem)
The Bridge(poem)
Tom Joad-Re-visited(poem)
The road(poem)
Continuous Moment Of Clarity(poem)
"Paid To Care"(poem)
for ntombi(poem)
for my fantasy woman(within my dreams)(poem)
morganna of the dream(poem)
the bother(poem)
sirens' call(poem)
beach fantasy(poem)
will i be mist?(poem)
whisper assassination blues(poem)
early morning/san francisco(poem)
middle age angst(poem)
bad dog!(poem)

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i usually sleep under a bridge. though,at times i find myself feeling sorry for myself. basically, i understand how much i am blessed. i could be "down and out" in some "third world nation"...fighting for a scrap of bread.......drinking water that will make me sick....or perhaps even worse....
if one is to be at the bottom of the food chain, the good ol' u.s. of a, is the place to be!
truly, i have been blessed by my Creator!!

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